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Hierodula sp Indonesia

Hierodula sp Indonesia

Regular price $40.00 USD
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Hierodula venosa, commonly known as the venosa mantis, is a striking species of praying mantis that is notable for its large size and distinctive appearance. This species is primarily found in various regions of Asia, particularly in countries such as India and Southeast Asian nations. 

### Physical Characteristics: 

Size: Hierodula venosa is one of the larger mantis species, with adults typically measuring between 7 to 10 centimeters (about 2.8 to 4 inches) in length. 

Coloration: The venosa mantis exhibits a variety of colors, including shades of green and brown, which provide effective camouflage among foliage. Some individuals may display a more vibrant coloration, featuring intricate patterns and markings that can include dark spots or stripes. 

Body Structure: The body of Hierodula venosa is elongated and robust, with a distinctively wide thorax and a relatively large head. The eyes are prominent, providing excellent vision for spotting prey. 

### Habitat and Behavior: 

- Habitat: This species is typically found in tropical and subtropical environments, including forests, gardens, and grasslands, where it can easily blend into the vegetation. 

- Diet: Hierodula venosa is a carnivorous predator, primarily feeding on a variety of insects. Its hunting strategy often involves ambushing prey from a concealed position. 

- Behavior: This mantis is known for its docile demeanor when not hunting. However, it can be quite aggressive when it comes to capturing prey. They often exhibit a behavior called "freezing," where they remain motionless to avoid detection. 

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